Datacenter Validation Equipment - Web Application

DVE is an internally-owned website-based application of PT XL Axiata Tbk. in Surabaya. DVE is developed to facilitate Datacenter Engineers in managing Datacenter devices.

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Datacenter Validation Equipment is built using MERN Stack technology (MySQL, Express, React Js, Node Js). This web application utilizes a Restful API to integrate data between the frontend and backend. MERN Stack provides a robust and efficient framework for application development, with each technology component contributing its unique strengths.

Datacenter Validation Equipment is designed to provide an optimal user experience and ensure smooth validation of equipment in data centers. Some features and aspects that make this application excel in managing equipment validation in a data center environment include:

  • Equipment Management: This application allows users to easily add, delete, or manage equipment within the data center. Equipment data such as serial numbers, validation status, and related information can be efficiently managed through an intuitive interface.
  • Data Visualization: Utilizing React Js for the frontend, the application presents equipment validation data in a clear and understandable manner. Responsive graphical elements and UI layouts ensure users can quickly view and comprehend equipment validation status without difficulty.
  • Real-time Notifications and Updates: The application supports real-time notifications to alert users about changes in equipment validation status or other updates. This helps the data center management team respond quickly to changes in equipment conditions.
  • Security and Authentication: Utilizing a backend built with Express, the application ensures the security of data and transactions. Users have restricted access based on roles and authorization, allowing only authorized parties to access or modify equipment validation data.
  • Documentation and Assistance: Users have access to comprehensive documentation and support resources to understand how to effectively use the application. This helps minimize the learning curve and enhances user productivity.